Turan Montepulciano D’Abruzzo BIO, DOCG

Itaalia päritolu klassikaline Montepulciano vein pakub rikkalikku ja maitserohket kogemust, mis kutsub esile Abruzzo päikese ja mulla parimad omadused.


Turan Montepulciano D’Abruzzo BIO, DOCG



Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOCG

VÄRV – Särav rubiinpunane

AROOM – Kannikeseõied, küpsed mustikad, marjad, vürtsid, pipar, kohv.

MAITSE – Täidlane, sametine, maitse kinnitab aroomi omadusi..

The Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOCG of Cantine Torri originates in the area of Martinsicuro, in the province of Teramo. The vine is almost fifty years old and grows at an altitude of 290 meters above sea level, extraordinarily exposed to the south-south-east.

100% Montepulciano d’Abruzzo grapes, manually selected from the row and harvested around half of October, from certified organic farming.

It is vinified in temperature-controlled steel vats, and at the end of malolactic fermentation, the wine will rest in cement vats for at least 6 months, then mature in large 50hl oak casks for the next 18 months and age in bottles for a further period of no less than 6 months.On the palate, it confirms the pleasant notes of chocolate and coffee plus intense balsamic notes.


Turan Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOCG

Vein, mis vajab aega, et kõik parimad pooled esile tuleks, seega on vajalik see veidi enne serveerimist avada, hoides veini temperatuuri vahemikus 16 ° kuni 18 ° ja kasutades laia servaga suurt klaasi või dekanterit.

Veini võib nautida nii üksi kui ka heas seltskonnas, eelistatavalt koos maitsvate roogadega. Sobib ka aperitiivide, eelroogade, punase liha, taimetoidu ja pool- kuni pikaajaliselt laagerdunud juustudega.

Proovi näiteks Itaalia eelroogasid, lasanje Bolognese, röstitud lambaliha, melanzane parmigano. Samuti intensiivsete juustudega nagu gorgonzola või pecorino.

Selle juurde sobitaksime esimese käiguna näiteks pastaroa kõrvitsa ja kukeseente rigatoni.

Characteristics of vine

The vine has found wide diffusion in Abruzzo and along the Adriatic coast. The variety is fairly homogeneous, the differential characters concern the shape of the bunch, the presence of green millerandage before maturation, the ripening time and the organoleptic characteristics of the product.

Apex bud is expanded, cottony, presenting fluff on the underside. Leaves are medium-sized, pentagonal, five-lobed, flat, very dark green in colour, cottony surface on the under side.

Cluster: medium, more or less compact, cylindrical to conical shape, often winged. Berry: medium, semi-oval, black-purple, not too easy to detach; skin: consistent; velvety, pulp: juicy, slightly pinkish, of simple flavour.