Veiniklaas Grand Balloon Flûte 380 ml, 6 tk.

Efektne Grand balloon vahuveiniklaas šampanja ja vahuveini serveerimiseks. Karbis on 6 klaasi.


Veiniklaas Grand Balloon Flûte 380 ml, 6 tk.


Veiniklaas Veiniklaas Grand Balloon Flûte 380 ml – 6 tk.

A wide-bowled, large format flute with generous forms and balloon shape that is ideal for tasting Champagne and sparkling wines. The glass is characterized by a deep piqure and an internal perlage point that generates and enhances perlage. The flutes narrow mouth allows for the aromatic elements of the wine to be channelled towards the nose and mouth for improved tasting. Perfect for serving sparkling wines and Champagne. Material automatically blown, lead free Xtreme® glass