Veiniklaas Bora Large 500 ml, 6 tk.

Veinklaas Bora Large 500 ml,

See klaas sobib ka ideaalselt täidlasemate ja väärikamate veinide serveerimiseks. Karbis on 6 klaasi.

Klaas on sobiv nii koju, kui restorani.


Veiniklaas Bora Large 500 ml, 6 tk.


Veiniklaas Bora Large 500 ml, 6 tk.

Multifunctional, high performance stem glass with bold, linear and clean forms. Made with pull-stem production technology where the bowl and stem are made in a single piece, the glass is robust and its laser-cut mouth give it a particularly fine and delicate rim that heighten the wine-tasting experience. Bora Large is perfect for the enjoyment of aged and full-bodied wines as well as sparkling wines and original aperitifs. Recommended for tasting of still and sparkling wines, champagne and aperitifs. Material Glass.