Veiniklaas Etoilé Sparkle Xtreme 480 ml, 6 tk.

The perfect glass for sparkling wines, characterised by a bowl reminiscent of the Champagne coupe and a body height inspired by the fûte, available with the options of 1 or 7 laser-etched perlage points which intensify the tasting experience. Also excellent for particularly fresh and elegant white and red wines.


Veiniklaas Etoilé Sparkle Xtreme 480 ml, 6 tk.


Veiniklaas Etoilé Sparkle Xtreme 480 ml – 6 tk.

Stem glass with perfectly studied and balanced proportions, characterized by elements that recall the traditional Champagne coupe (such as the bowl) and the traditional flutes (such as the long stem). This glass is made of next generation mouth blown and handcrafted crystalline glass. Extraordinarily light, elegant and easy to handle. On the bottom of the bowl, can be found 7 laser-engraved dots that enahnce the perlage. This glass was designed to enahnce particularly complex, soft, and elegant sparkling wines and Champagnes. Perfect for tasting sparkling wines and Champagne. Material next generation mouth blown and handcrafted crystalline glass.